Update Fri @ 10:47 AM — This morning’s GFS (12z) just available shows even less snow by the changeover time of about 10 PM— less than 1 inch. Even less will be left by Monday morning after a night of rain.

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Of course, I’ll be updating the storm forecast with my regular weekly feature “Weekend Weather Forecast” Friday evening.

Update Thu @ 10:20 PM — Tonight’s NAM, just available, continues with the same forecast for Sunday evening into Monday. A transition to rain around Philadelphia about 10 PM.

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Update Thu @ 5:10 PM — (some additional changes highlighted below.) The storm forecast for Sunday evening into Monday has just come into range of this afternoon’s NAM model which forecasts up to 84 hours ahead. While its forecast doesn’t extend into Monday, it shows what we can expect for the start of the storm.

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It’s not clear whether there will be much snow on the back side of the system, but the trend is that there won’t be much.

It should be noted that the GEFS (ensemble) still maintains more of a coastal storm. So there’s a glaring lack of agreement with this storm. Things could change.

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Update Wed @ 9:03 PM — I’m going to need to change the title of this posting tomorrow to “Storm Late Sunday into Monday”.

This afternoon’s (18z) GFS and GEFS models have become available.

The GFS and ICON continue with a western track and a significant influx of warm air a few hours into the event. Any light snow at the start changes to sleet and rain and with a change back to snow possible but most of the moisture has move northeastward. So little accumulation in the immediate PHL area, according to the GFS.

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