Here are some links to content about weather and weather forecasting that are informative and interesting. The links are not organized by topic. The most recent link added is at the top. —

Added 06-10-24

Excellent explanation of Potential Vorticity forecasting implications and Satellite Imagery

Added 07-01-23

Philadelphia Forecast Discussion – Our local National Weather Service Office discussions on the weather. These are true meteorologists.

National Extended Forecast Discussion– Extended range discussion of models and uncertainties. A useful overview.

Weather Model Data (College of DuPage) – The best site on the web for model data.

Added 07-05-22

Severe Weather Forecasting Tip Sheet (from NWS)

Learning Weather from Penn State University

Understanding Water Vapor Imagery- Explains the difference between Satellite visible clouds and water vapor images. Additional information.

Probabilistic Forecasting Primer— Explains categorical forecasts and probability based forecasting

National Weather Service Forecasting Terminology— Explains what “considerable cloudiness” and other forecast terms mean.

Weather Model Encyclopedia – highly detailed, authoritative information about weather models. This site is a treasure and from MetEd. added 07-29-21

Excellent Overview of Numerical Weather Predictionhighly recommended read (power point)

Old (2002) but highly informative presentation about weather modeling (power point format)

Learning about weather forecasting- weather prediction education

Incredible free Basic Courses on Weather Forecasting- NOAA’s “Jetstream

Cyclogenesis associated with right and left entrance/exit regions of a jet streak

Types of Cyclogenesis

Right entrance of a Jet
On the warm side of the jet core, in the region of maximum acceleration of flow. Often associated with marked cyclogenesis.

Right Entrance Region
Used interchangably with Right Rear Quadrant; the area upstream from and to the right of an upper-level jet max (as would be viewed looking along the direction of flow). Upward motion and severe thunderstorm potential sometimes are increased in this area relative to the wind speed maximum.

Crash Course in Meteorology

The straight Jet Four Quadrant Model

Jet Stream Concepts: Upper Level Divergence-Difluence explained (originally from

Quadranting a Jet Streak

A method of determining Precipitation types (Bourgouin positive/negative energy)

Interesting power point presentation on weather/climate modeling and its limitations

Weather forecasting – basic stuff powerpoint

“Comet” Meteorology courses from (free)

How to install and compile WGRIB2 on a Mac (used for manipulation of weather data grib2 files)

Meteorology Glossary from the AMS

National Weather Service (PHL) Mt, Holly NJ

Understanding SKEW-T diagrams

Course on SKEW-T diagram interpretation

GFS version 16 Model Evaluation Group

RAP (Rapid Refresh Model) Info

Weather… and Other Things 'Up in the Air'