Here, just northwest of the city limits, the precipitation has changed to rain with a pause in the action.  A lot has to happen to get to snow totals that the models have forecast!  Perhaps things have been a bit over-forecast?

This morning’s GFS model continues with the same scenario all the models have been forecasting; heavy precipitation with dynamic cooling to allow temperatures to drop and accumulations to occur.

HOWEVER, the GFS Kuchera snow algorithm makes this storm a bust—

Snow totals based on Kuchera
Latest GFS Snow totals based on the Kuchera algorithm!

As mentioned last night, I’m not big on the Kuchera snow algorithm; it tends to seriously underestimate snowfall in past storms.  (Last Friday’s storm had the Kuchera algorithm forecasting NO snow!)

Radar trends show a significant increase in precipitation rates in NJ, rotating westward into Pennsylvania.    Despite all forecast parameters as snow, things have to change soon for this forecast to not be a bust.  And as I type this, precipitation has changed back to snow!  So let’s see what happens.

BTW, here’s the latest HRRR (High Resolution Rapid Refesh) experimental forecast snow totals—

HRRR experimental
Experimental HRRR forecast snow accumulation from 12Z today