#Philadelphia #weather #PAwx

Friday-Saturday-Sunday Weather Outlook

Posted Thursday 08/15/24 @ 5:29 PM — As expected, the forecast for the weekend continues to change. The trend is for the next system to approach slower than previously forecast. First, let’s talk about Friday.

Friday is looking sunny with high thin cirrus clouds in the afternoon. (The haze you may noticed Thursday is wildfire smoke and particulates. Friday will likely continue to have haze from smoke.) No rain.

Saturday‘s forecast has changed. Originally, Saturday was expected to have showers during the day. Now, the forecast is for showers moving into western sections late afternoon or early evening. Most of the area will be dry during the daytime. It will be cloudy early but the cloudiness will likely break for periods of sun at times. Showers and thunderstorms will move in late evening or after midnight in the city as a warm front approaches.

NBM probability of precip at 5 PM. Most of our area is dry on Saturday. Western portions of Montco Bucks and Chester counties may have some showers late afternoon. These are hourly probabilities; anything greater than 18% is usually a good bet for showers (green yellow) (Click on image for a larger view.)

Sunday looks to be cloudy with showers and thunderstorms likely. The heaviest and most widespread rainfall is expected later in the day and evening into Monday. The rainfall may not reach the Jersey Shore until later in the afternoon.

I’ll fine tune with my regular Weekend Weather Forecast tomorrow.

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