Sunday forecast updated Sun 8:46 AM, highlighted below
Saturday forecast updated Sat 7:15 AM, highlighted below
Update Friday 10:25 PM in highlight below
Update Friday 7:45 PM — The forecast below was based on Friday’s morning and early afternoon models. The models that have become available late in the afternoon suggest the possibility of a more cloudy, unsettled Saturday with some showers as early as 2 PM. I’ll update with tonight’s models that will become available between 9:30 and 10:30 PM.
The cool, dry air mass that has given us four days of stellar weather will be moving off to the northeast, unfortunately just in time for this weekend.
This weekend will be affected by several disturbances shown on Friday’s water vapor satellite image with a boundary becoming stationary just south of our area—

The first disturbance will move into our area about 3-5 AM Saturday morning with showers and (maybe thundershowers). The GFS cloud/radar forecast is below—

The showers move out around daybreak Saturday, and clouds break for hazy sunshine during the morning. It will be humid (dew points around 68º) and very warm. High 88.1º sd 2.2º (NBM Blue Bell, PA)
Areas of cloudiness re-develop during the afternoon.
Additional showers and thunderstorms develop later afternoon on Saturday and especially Saturday evening. (Some models have thunderstorms developing as early as 2–5 PM mostly from the city on southward. Most hold off any showers until late afternoon or early evening. Some keep the activity both north and south of the immediate PHL area, so there’s some uncertainty how much rain the immediate PHL area and suburbs will receive. There remains higher than usual uncertainty regarding timing and areal coverage of the showers on Saturday. (Even the HIRESW-ARW2 and the HIRES-FV3 aren’t in agreement about the thunderstorms for Saturday afternoon.)
Saturday 7:15 AM update —There should be some hazy sunshine this morning. Several models from early this morning show showers/thunderstorms developing between 3 and 5 PM Saturday afternoon in the immediate PHL area.
The NBM paints a broad stroke with this rain Saturday evening— (Sat AM Update continues with this broad area of showers this evening.)—

Mostly sunny, very warm and humid. High 89.5º sd 1.8º (NBM Blue Bell, PA) A chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening, with highest probability south far north and west of the city. Any showers will be widely scattered and will occur between 5 and 11 PM, most likely around 7-9 PM.