Winter Weather Update 6:45 AM Thursday

It looks like the “3, maybe 4” inch forecast will be about right, with it more likely just making 3 inches in Philadelphia and the immediate surrounding suburbs.  (Remaining QPF values according to the GFS is 0.18 inches water.)

I don’t know why the TV people kept pushing the 4-8 inches last night.  I think they had dug themselves into a “snow event” to raise their ratings as they often do.

Expect cold temperatures today and freezing of what fell. Sun angles are getting higher and melting with sunshine this afternoon is possible despite the cold air temperatures.

2 thoughts on “Winter Weather Update 6:45 AM Thursday”

  1. Hi mr weather guy. I have a friend who lives by your forecasts. Can I get put on an email or message list. At present I don’t do or understand twitter.
    Thank you!
    Cell 610-513-3487. Email below

    1. Hi John, Sorry, but I don’t have an email list. If you’re not on twitter, the best thing is simply check my website when there’s a storm forecast. Some of my updates, if they’re not part of a new posting, don’t show as a new twitter notification anyway. If you have an RSS reader, it will also get my new postings if you subscribe to the RSS feed. But I suspect that using twitter would be easier than downloading an RSS reader.

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