The focus of this weekend’s weather has been the very warm (hot) temperatures expected. But there’s a forecast change regarding showers.
The frontal boundary that passed through Friday night had been expected to ‘wash out’. Instead, it has stalled to our south and is now expected to become an area of weak moisture convergence for this evening and Sunday.

With daytime heating and the vertical motion from the wind flow convergence, scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible in the area shown in pink above. (South of the Philadelphia area.)
This afternoon’s NAM NEST has this area of convergence a little further north, and a ripple ( vorticity disturbance) in the upper air flow with showers developing closer to Philadelphia area tomorrow afternoon—

So there’s some uncertainty about the exact location of these possible showers. Also timing uncertainty, with the GFS having these showers as early as late morning and NAM NEST as early as 2PM Sunday.