Summer Weather Expected this Weekend- Philadelphia

GFS Surface Map Prediction for Saturday Afternoon
GFS Surface Map Prediction for Saturday Afternoon

A classic Bermuda high pressure system will finally establish itself this coming weekend, giving us seasonably warm (comparatively hot) weather for both Saturday and Sunday.  Dry conditions also expected.  High temperatures expected in the upper 80s.

However, before this system takes over for the weekend, a front and developing low pressure system will move through late Wednesday into Thursday.


Unexpected Cloudiness

I was out early today and noticed the cumulus was really building in some spots. Some dark clouds and a quick look at the radar- sure enough, there were some scattered showers.  Apparently there was enough low level wind convergence to cause this.

The models really blew this forecast-  Just when you think the computer models are incredible, you get this sort of poor forecast.

Weather… and Other Things 'Up in the Air'