Up and Down temperatures continue..

A significant warm up is expected Saturday as winds shift to the southwest.

Saturday will be mostly sunny.  High 55.  An approaching front will bring cloudiness later in the day on Saturday.

Low pressure moving up from the south will provide moisture for considerable rain on Sunday.

Sunday will be rainy and mild with highs again near 55.

Temperatures drop back on Monday with very cold temperatures again by Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by another warmup.

Some of the model solutions, particularly the statistical models, are suggesting that additional low pressure along the front may bring some mixed precipitation snow to eastern areas, especially southern NJ, on Monday.  Not a certainty.

Of greater interest will be a deep coastal storm that may affect us on Friday. Current track suggest this may be a rain changing to snow event.  Too early to be sure.  Either way, the great changes in temperatures will result in an active period of weather this coming week.

Weather… and Other Things 'Up in the Air'