As mentioned yesterday, a coastal storm is expected to develop along the Delmarva coast Thursday through Friday as a result of two impulses merging and phasing.  A blocking pattern in the Atlantic will cause this storm to linger from Thursday into Friday and then slowly move eastward.  Rain with windy conditions is expected with a possible mix in of wet snow Friday morning with little if any accumulation.

The latest models have this storm becoming a sort of impressive “superstorm” far off the coast on Saturday;  other than windy conditions here and some significant maritime/ coastal issues, this superstorm won’t be a concern in PHL.   This would change if intensification occurs earlier than forecast, but not expected at this time.


It looks like March will come in like a lion — The models have been showing the development of a coast low near the Delmarva area for Thursday into Friday.  This low pressure system is expected to intensify and be blocked by high pressure over the Atlantic, causing it to linger.   Temperatures are expected to be too warm for snow for much of the duration, but intensification may allow for cooling- wet snow is likely to mix during the end of the storm.    Expect heavy rain for later on Thursday into Thursday night.  A changeover to wet snow is possible early Friday morning; accumulations aren’t likely.

Exact degree of intensification, timing and the degree of blocking isn’t certain.   I’ll keep an eye on this.

In a separate thought, this forecast storm has been hyped on the internet for days; I suspect that there’s so much ‘pent up demand’ for a “good snowstorm” this season that people are clamoring for a “big one”.   Not me; I’m ready for Spring.

Weather… and Other Things 'Up in the Air'