Tag Archives: Video


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any bird pictures as part of this blog’s “other things up in the air”.

We have a pair of Northern flickers that love our ‘upside down’ suet feeders. In recent months, they’re feasting almost every morning after 8 AM.

These pictures were taken this morning—

Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker – this picture reveals he has a broken upper beak.

Northern Flicker on upside-down suet feeder

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Being home from the office allows me to catch more sightings of attractive birds availing themselves to our feeders.   About this time every year, we get to see Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.  Here is the male Grosbeak enjoying our sunflower seed this afternoon—

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male) 04-29-20


Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male) 04-29-20


Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male) 04-29-20