The rainy, dreary weather forecast for the upcoming weekend has been well advertised. What can I add to the information?
Well, it appears that the early part of Saturday morning will be [relatively] dry, but there is still a small chance of light sprinkles or drizzle in the morning with increasingly likelihood by noon and likely by the afternoon. So, if you’re interested in outdoor activities, Saturday morning is the time. Either way, any showers will be light until late in the afternoon. High 59.
By Saturday night, the chance of rain increases and moderate rain is likely as the evening progresses.
Sunday will be rainy, and rain could be moderate to heavy during the morning, decreasing in intensity during the afternoon. High 60.

[su_note note_color=”#ebf2d9″]Saturday 2 pm: Today’s rains moved in close to expected, but the initial burst was a lot heavier than I had predicted and a bit earlier. The models still have moderate to heavy rain for much of Sunday, especially during the morning.[/su_note]